Wednesday, September 16, 2015

JAIBB Questions of Business Communication (BC), June 2015

Banking Diploma Examination, June 2015
Business Communication (BC)
Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 50
NB: All questions carry equal marks. Answer any five questions in English.
1. Prepare an executive summary of the Annual Report of your bank highlighting the essential features with a note of aspiration for growth.
2. Draft a memorandum for consideration of the Board of Directors of your bank with a proposal for waiver of interest in favour of a valued customer.
3. What are the different types of oral communication? Discuss each with illustrations.
4. What do you mean by 'Report' of a commercial concern? Discuss in short the various steps involved in preparing a long analytical report.
5. What do you mean by 'Internship; in commercial bank? What is the condition that you would put forth while allowing internship to a candidate?
6. Prepare a weekly report on vegetable wholesale market about the supply and rage compared to last week transaction pointing out the possible reasons for changes.
7. Draft a circular letter for launching a new loan programme for a particular crop, using the following words and terms in clear sentences:­
(a) Crop insurance;
(b) Extra cost;
(c) Compensation to farmers;
(d) Monthly progress report to H.O.
8. Enumerate the points of distinction between:­
(a) Upward and downward letters;
(b) Oran and written communication;
(c) External and Internal letters;
(d) Spoken communication and listening.
9. Show with illustrations that 'advertisement' is a very strong and effective means of business communication.
10. Write short notes (any four):­
(a) Indirectness in circular letters;
(b) Politeness in persuasive letters;
(c) Importance of paragraph;
(d) Sequence in composition;
(e) Language for bad news;
(f) Directness in writing routine letters.

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