Wednesday, September 16, 2015

JAIBB Questions of Marketing of Financial Services (MFS), June 2015

Banking Diploma Examination, June 2015
Marketing of Financial Services (MFS)
Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 50
[NB:    The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions. All parts     of each question should be answered consecutively.]
1. (a) What are the activities on which the bank marketing functions focuses its attention? 
   (b) What is the marketing mix? Describe elaborately the four "Ps" of marketing mix. 

2. (a) What are three sets of factors which influence the behavioral characteristics of  the customer? Explain.     
(b) Discuss the segmentation of corporate marketing.                                     
(c) What is life cycle segmentation? Discuss.               
3. (a) Explain the importance of the institutional advertising in a bank.   
   (b) Describe the merits and demerits of brand advertising of a bank.    

4. (a) How many things will a strategic plan of a bank include? Discuss.  
  (b) Discuss the types of marketing strategies for banks.             
5. (a) Describe the activities which influence the administration.  
  (b) Discuss the steps that can be taken to motivate  staff of a bank.  
6. (a) In a globalized world, why is market information very important for a financial institution?
   (b) “ Prime customers are always preferred”- Discuss in the light of a prime client of a bank.
7. (a) Explain with example- which features with relation to bank products are making the marketing of services more  challenging?                     
   (b) The real differentiator of “customer centricity” in a commoditized world of a financial products is customer service- Do you agree? Critically analyze your stance.   
8. (a) Discuss the process of pricing of a product.                        
   (b) What are the difference between desired service and adequate service? How do they influence customer expectations?                   
9. (a) Customer services need to be transcended throughout the organization- Explain this in the light of the triangle model.                       
  (b) Describe the different levels of services expectations by bank customers. 
10. Write short notes (any five)                                  
(a) E-Banking;
(b) Retail and wholesale product;
(c) Customer loyalty program’
(d) Islami banking product;
(e) Environmental risk management;
(f) Customer satisfaction;
(g) Product line;
(h) Consumerism.

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