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Marketing of Financial Services (MFS) suggestion, June 2014

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Banking Diploma Examination— December, 2013
Marketing of Financial Services (MFS)
Time— 3 hours; Full Mar8ks_100:   Pass Marks— 50
[All questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions. Answer all parts of each question continuously.]

a) What is marketing?
b) How does business environment affect the marketing strategy?
c) How can you develop the marketing for banks and financial institutions?
d) How can you make your organization effective in managing the elements of the service marketing mix?

a) What is pricing?
b) How many approaches the way of pricing?-Discuss
c) Is it possible to use all approaches simultaneously in pricing? Give your arguments with example.
d) What role do you think pricing can take as a tool of marketing banking services? Justify its effectiveness.
e) Why a company changes its product price?

Strategic planning
a) What is strategic planning?
b) Discuss the importance/ objective of strategic planning?
c) What are the steps of strategic planning?
d) Explain how can the controlling process of marketing be made effective?
e) "Marketing control is the process of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective actions to ensure that objectives are achieved" — explain the statement.

Customer-Bank Relationship
a) Who is prime customer?
b) What is a banker-customer relationship?
c) What techniques are lo be followed to develop banker-customer relationships? How does each aid in developing relationships?
d) A bank must be customer centered to succeed' — Discuss.
e) What do you understand by customer relationship in a financial institution?
f) Why the financial institutions in Bangladesh require good information about market and competitors?
g) Why the bank wanted to build relationship banking?

Product Distribution
a)What is product Distribution?
b) What are the different ways that banks can follow to distribute their products directly?
c) Explain with example the features relating to bank product that are making the services more challenging.
d) Why location of a bank is so important from different perspectives?
e) Describe the role of promotion and publicity in marketing bank services.
f) Differentiate between 'Retail and corporate market.'
g) Explain the service marketing process.  
h) While marketing bank services, what are the challenges to be faced in Bangladesh?
i) "Product quality and service quality are the match winners." — Explain.
j) Why consumer behavior and their expectation matters while offering a service and product by a bank?
k) Define and outline the steps in marketing process of Bangladesh.

Corporate Social Responsibility
a) What Corporate Social Responsibility?
b) Discuss the various activities of financial institutions for socially responsible marketing.
c) What roles do the financial organizations of Bangladesh play for economic development of the country?
d) What’s your suggestion about banking services for the development of the country ?

a) What is advertising?
b) Discuss the way of advertising.
c) What factors should be considered to determine the advertising media? Discuss.
d) Discuss elaborately the social and economical importance of advertising.
e) Do you not believe in advertising? Put your arguments.
f) People purchase unnecessary goods being influence by advertising. So its cost incurred for nothing-Discuss.

Answer in short:
a) Strategic Business Unit;
b) Service Differentiation;
c) Product line;
d) Consumerism;
e) Competitive strategy;
f) Window Dressing;
g)  Phone Vs Internet Banking;
h) Corporate Financial Markets;
i) Customer Centric;
j) Techno etiquette in banks;
k) Customer value;
l) Nishi market;
m) Tele Banking;                                           
n) Environmentalism;
o) SMS Banking;
p) Push Marketing;
q) GAP-6;
r) Direct Marketing;
s) Product Differentiation;
t) Shopping Goods;
u) Brand Equity;
v) Product Mix;
w) Pricing Strategy;
x) Strategic Planning;
y) Push Marketing.
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