2. Recommending SME friendly policies to different government ministries and agencies.
3. Providing business support services to the SME entrepreneurs.
3. Providing business support services to the SME entrepreneurs.
4. Providing information and proper guidance for establishing new SMEs.
5. Conducting sectoral study to ensure availability of latest information, identify challenges and recommend preventing measures.
6. Operating credit wholesaling programs for the SMEs through different banking and non-banking financial institutions.
7. Conducting training programs to create skilled labor for different SME sub-sector based on their demands.

9. Supporting SMEs in marketing their products and promotion of services.
10. Bringing women entrepreneurs into the mainstream of development and helping them to achieve economic self dependency.
11. Assisting SMEs in creating institutional bondage with foreign companies for capacity building, technology transfer and improving productivity.
12. Training up and motivating SMEs in using ICT tools for more productivity and improving quality.
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