1. Negative demand:
A market is in state of negative demand if a major part of the market (customer) dislikes the product, and may even pay a price to avoid it. Such as vaccination, dental work, air travel etc.
The marketing task is to analyze why the market dislikes the product and whether a marketing program consisting of product redesign, lower prices and more positive promotion can change beliefs and attitudes.
2. No demand:
Target customers may be unaware of or not interested in the product. College students may not be interested in foreign language course. A new service holder may not be interest to take a life insurance policy.
The marketing task is to find ways to connect the benefits of the product with the person’s natural needs and interests.
3. Latent demand:
Many customers may have a strong need that cannot be satisfied by any existing product. There is a strong latent demand for harmless cigarettes and more fuel efficient cars.
The marketing task is to measure the size of the potential market and take necessary research program and develop products and services to satisfy the demand if that are profitable.
4. Declining demand:
Every organization, sooner or later, face declining demand for one or more of its products. Such as, demand for gramophone, radio, black and white television etc.
The marketer must analyze the cause of the decline and determine whether demand can be restimulated by new target markets, by changing product features, by price reduction or by more efficient and effective communication.
5. Irregular demand:
Many organizations face demand that varies on a seasonal, daily, or even hourly basis, causing problems of idle or overworked capacity. Such as road transport city buses are idle during off - peak hours and insufficient during peak hours.
The marketing task is to find ways to alter the pattern of demand through flexible pricing, promotion and other incentives.
6. Full demand:
Organizations often face full demand when they are pleased with their volume of business. Such as, mobile phone companies faces full demand situation in Bangladesh.
The marketing task is to maintain the current level of demand, so that they can face the changing customer preferences and increasing competition. The organization must maintain or improve its quality and continually measure customer satisfaction.
7. Overfull demand:
Some organization face a full demand level that is higher then they can expect or capable or want to handle. At present in Bangladesh L .P. gas companies enjoying overfull demand.
The marketing task is to finding ways to reduce demand temporarily or permanently. In this situation marketers generally take the steps to raising price and reduce promotional activities and services.
8. Unwholesome demand:
Unwholesome demand is the demand of that products and services which are harmful to the society. Organizations give their time, money, resource, effort and energy to discourage the consumption of these type of products and services. Such as unselling campaigns have been conducted against cigarettes, alcohol, hard drugs, X - rated movies, large families etc.
The marketing task is to use negative messages and information ( harmful sides of the products and services ) in promotional activities, increase the price and reduce the availability of that products and services.
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