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Monday, November 24, 2014

Development in Marketing Scope at the Aspect of Service Marketing

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Marketing scope develops day to day. These developments carry special significance for service sector in which customer and service producer interact closely.

Especially in service sector like external relations, internal relations also have significance. It requires finding and keeping successful personnel.
For personnel of the organization to be considered their own goals and service situation, values of the organization are sold to them. The communication techniques carried out for customers are also performed for the personnel in internal marketing and this two techniques go together. For example, the ads that aim creating firm’s image should be prepared with regarding to audience which is composed of firm’s personnel.

This approach takes the organization as a sequence which involves producer and customer that market services to each other in the organization. In this structure, the activities of departments that compose organization would be more focused on market. This will also affect the structure of organization.

It was mentioned that close relationship was established between producer and customer in service sector. In addition to this, life cycle of a customer relationship was also mentioned under the product outline.

According to the researchers, maintaining the relationship for extant customer increases the profit of firms. It should be emphasized that this fact has an importance for service sector.

Life cycle of a customer relationship is composed of three stages. At the first stage, firms try to be well known and to acquire new customers. At the second stage, the connection between customer and firm has been achieved. During the stage, firms intensified their activities on acquired customers and both of them promises mutually. At the third stage, these promises are accomplished and the service is consumed. During the stage, firms face “Reality Instants” which could possibly achieve satisfaction of customer and continuous relationship.
This could be also true for second stage. So, these instants should be managed successfully.
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