Training program involves the following steps:
1. Identifying the training needs- The training needs of each employee should be identified. Programs should be developed that are best suited to their needs.2. Prepare the trainer- The trainer must do his home work well. He should know both what to teach & how to teach. Time mgt is required by the trainer. Training should be delivered in such a manner that the trainee should not lose the interest in the job.
4. Explain & demonstrate the operations- The trainer should explain the logical sequence of the job. The trainee should perform the job systematically & explain the complete job he is performing. His mistakes should be rectified & the complex step should be done for him once. When the trainee demonstrates that he can do the job in right manner, he is left to himself. Through repetitive practices, the trainee acquires more skill.
5. Follow up & feedback- The trainee should be given feedback on how well he performed the job. He should be asked to give a feedback on the effectiveness of training program.
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